Why is my Dictate Anywhere not working?

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Here are some troubleshooting steps you can take if Dictate Anywhere is not working on your laptop.

First, what you need to do is make sure you are using the TalkType app and not the browser, as the TalkType app is the only platform to have the feature of “Dictate Anywhere”

Once you are on the TalkType app, it is important to note what laptop you are using; if you are using a Mac, there are extra permissions that you need to authorise in your settings; to find out what they are, please click here.

Finally, it might be a firewall issue as to why your laptop is not allowing “Dictate Anywhere” to work. What you/your IT team will need to do is authorise our domains and IP addresses. Click here to see that list.

If it is still not working please get in touch with our fantastic Customer Support team, just click here to find out how to reach out.

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