List of Voice Commands available in TalkType

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Below, you will find a list of all the voice commands that you can use in TalkType. You can see the command, how to initiate it, and what TalkType will do with it. 

You can use the keyboard shortcut of Ctrl (⌘) + F to then find a specific command in our list below.

Punctuation Commands

While dictating, just say the command below

Command Result
Full stop/period .
Comma ,
Question mark ?
Exclamation mark !
Bullet point

While dictating, just say the command below

Command Result
Apostrophe '
Asterisk *
At sign @
Semicolon ;
Colon :
Slash /
Backslash \
Ampersand &
Hash #
Tilde symbol ~
Caret symbol ^
Underscore _
Hyphen/Dash -
En dash
Em dash
Vertical/pipe |
Open double quotes
Closed double quotes
Open single quotes
Closed single quotes

While dictating, just say the command below

Command Result
Plus sign +
Minus sign -
Multiplication sign ×
Division sign ÷
Equals sign =
Plus or minus sign ±
Degree symbol °
Percent %
Dot/point .
Less than sign <
Greater than sign >
Exponent symbol ^


While dictating, just say the command below

Command Result
Euro symbol
Dollar sign $
Pound sign £


While dictating, just say the command below

Command Result
Open brackets (
Close brackets )
Open curly brackets {
Close curly brackets }
Open square brackets [
Close square brackets ]
Open angle brackets <
Close angle brackets >


Text editing

While dictating, say TalkType and then the chosen command

Command Result
Select {word} Selects a word in your document
Select from {word} to {word} Selects a range of words given in a range


While dictating, say TalkType and then the chosen command

Command Result
Heading on The next words you dictate will be in a heading
Heading off The heading setting is turned off
Bold on The next words you dictate will be in bold
Bold off Bold is turned off
Italic on The next words you dictate will be in italics
Italic off Italics is turned off
Underline on The next words you dictate will be underlined
Underline off The underline is turned off


While dictating, say TalkType and then the chosen command

Command Result
Clear all Will remove everything within your document
Undo/scratch that Will undo the last action you've done
Redo Will redo the action you just undone
Press delete Will press the delete button
Delete selection Will delete a section within your document
Delete {word} Will delete the specified word
Delete from {word} to {word} Will delete a range of words from the range given

Line breaks

While dictating, just say the command below

Command Result
New line/new paragraph Will give you a new line or a new paragraph in your document
Press enter/press return Will press the enter key
Line break Will add a line break into your document



Text navigation
While dictating, say TalkType and then the chosen command

Command Result
Go forward/back {number} character(s) Will move the cursor forward/backwards by a specific number of characters
Go forward/back {number} word(s) Will move the cursor forward/backwards by a specific number of words
Go forward/back {number} paragraph(s) Will move the cursor forward/backwards by a specific number of paragraphs
Go to the start/end of line Will move your cursor to the start or the end of the line.
Go to the start/end of document Will move your cursor to the start or the end of the document


While dictating, say TalkType and then the chosen command

Command Result
Arrow up Will move the cursor by simulating the up arrow on your keyboard
Arrow down Will move the cursor by simulating the down arrow on your keyboard
Arrow left Will move the cursor by simulating the left arrow on your keyboard
Arrow right Will move the cursor by simulating the right arrow on your keyboard



App commands
While dictating, say TalkType and then the chosen command

Command Result
Open {app name} / Switch to {app name} Will open or switch to the specified program or app

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